#PGlgu is the #WWlgu hashtag of Papua New Guinea - #PGlgu (in Papua New Guinea).

Use #PGlgu to share news about Papua New Guinea - #PGlgu.

city (province) #PGlgu) Development data ( Knoema )
Daru (Western Province (Fly River)) #PG01 Data atlas
Kerema (Gulf Province) #PG02 Data atlas
Port Moresby (Central Province) #PG03 Data atlas
Port Moresby (National Capital District) #PG04 Data atlas
Alotau (Milne Bay Province) #PG05 Data atlas
Popondetta (Northern Province (Oro)) #PG06 Data atlas
Mendi (Southern Highlands) #PG07 Data atlas
Wabag (Enga) #PG08 Data atlas
Mount Hagen (Western Highlands) #PG09 Data atlas
Kundiawa (Chimbu) #PG10 Data atlas
Goroka (Eastern Highlands) #PG11 Data atlas
(Hela) #PG21 Data atlas
(Jiwaka) #PG22 Data atlas
Lae (Morobe) #PG12 Data atlas
Madang (Madang) #PG13 Data atlas
Wewak (East Sepik) #PG14 Data atlas
Vanimo (West Sepik) #PG15
Lorengau (Manus) #PG16 Data atlas
Kavieng (New Ireland) #PG17 Data atlas
Kokopo (East New Britain) #PG18 Data atlas
Kimbe (West New Britain) #PG19 Data atlas
Arawa (Bougainville) #PG20 Data atlas
construct more tags with the extended divisioning geocodes (Geohive)

National Statistical Office of Papua New Guinea

#PGlgu = #tagcoding hashtag for sustainable development #SDGs #LeaveNoOneBehind in Papua New Guinea - #PGlgu (Papua New Guinea) #UNGA #UNGA78