#MElgu is the #WWlgu hashtag of Montenegro - #MElgu (in Montenegro).

Use #MElgu to share news about Montenegro - #MElgu.

city ( capital of opstina (municipality) ) #MElgu Development data ( Knoema )
Andrijevica (Andrijevica) #ME01 Data atlas
Bar (Bar) #ME02 Data atlas
Berane (Berane) #ME03 Data atlas
Bijelo Polje (Bijelo Polje) #ME04 Data atlas
Budva (Budva) #ME05 Data atlas
Cetinje (Cetinje) #ME20 Data atlas
Danilovgrad (Danilovgrad) #ME06 Data atlas
Herceg Novi (Herceg Novi) #ME19 Data atlas
Kolašin (Kolašin) #ME08 Data atlas
Kotor (Kotor) #ME09 Data atlas
Mojkovac (Mojkovac) #ME10 Data atlas
Nikšić (Nikšić) #ME11 Data atlas
Plav (Plav) #ME12 Data atlas
Pljevlja (Pljevlja) #ME14 Data atlas
Plužine (Plužine) #ME13 Data atlas
Podgorica (Podgorica) #ME15 Data atlas
Rožaje (Rožaje) #ME16 Data atlas
Šavnik (Šavnik) #ME21 Data atlas
Tivat (Tivat) #ME17 Data atlas
Ulcinj (Ulcinj) #ME18 Data atlas
Žabljak (Žabljak) #ME07 Data atlas

#MElgu = #tagcoding hashtag for sustainable development #SDGs #LeaveNoOneBehind in Montenegro - #MElgu (Montenegro) #UNGA #UNGA78