#GBE12000007 (#GBlgu) is the #WWlgu hashtag of London (in United Kingdom).

Use #GBE12000007 (#GBlgu) to share news about London.

NUTS3 subdivision #GBlgu Development data ( Knoema )
Inner London #GBI1
Inner London - West #GBI11
Inner London - East #GBI12
Outer London #GBI2
Outer London - East and North East #GBI21
Outer London - South #GBI22
Outer London - West and North West #GBI23

The tags for this member state of the European Union are defined at Belgium (EU #tags)

#GBE12000007 (#GBlgu) = #tagcoding hashtag for sustainable development #SDGs #LeaveNoOneBehind in London (United Kingdom) #UNGA #UNGA78