Full Name (abbr.): Tanzania Health Sector Strategic Plan III (2009-2015)
URL: Original available from MOHSW of Tanzania (also posted at http://www.scribd.com/doc/30040268/Tanzania-Health-Sector-Strategic-Plan-III ).

Owners: Owner: MOHSW

Other actors:
Local Government Authorities (LGA)
Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs (MOFEA)
PMO, Regional Administration & Local Government (PMO-RALG)
Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA)
Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre (TFNC)

As parties to the Health Service Agreement also:

Basket Fund Committee (BFC)
Government of Tanzania (GOT)


Development partners have confirmed their commitment to work with the Government of Tanzania and stakeholders to implement the HSSPIII and to continue to fund the sector through the so called health basket fund. These partners include the Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Canada, World Bank, UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO and One UN.1

Target Groups: Be the guiding reference document, for the preparation of the five-year Regional Strategic Plans, as well as, hospital and Council Health Strategic Plans. It will also guide the formulation of specific plans and programmes, including annual plans, at all levels.



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