Global Resources - #isic9900 #ww88U
In addition to sector specific multi-lateral resources and instruments listed per sector at Multi-lateral agreements - #isic9900 #ww88U, here a list of cross-sectoral resources that is provided by global actors, including countries, global lobby groups, disciplines etc with the purpose of enabling or supporting initiatives at the international and National levels of scope.
List of included resources/instruments
Global Resources - #isic9900 #ww88U
- #2030Agenda for Sustainable Development - #SDGs
- Addis Ababa Action Agenda - #a4a2030 - #pi9
- Busan Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation
- Common Minimum Standards for Multi-Stakeholder Engagement in the UN Development Assistance Framework
- Common Principles
- Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Co-operative Principles
- DAC 5 and CRS Purpose Codes (OECD DAC)
- Draft governing instrument for the Green Climate Fund
- Future We Want
- G20 Cannes Summit Final Declaration: “Building our Common Future: Renewed Collective Action for the Benefit of All"
- G8 Open Data Charter
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - #iccpr
- International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - #icescr
- International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture - #pgrfa
- ISO 26000 - Guidance on social responsibility
- ISO Standards development
- Istanbul Principles
- Leaving No One Behind (#LNOB) Guidelines
- Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office
- New Urban Agenda - #nua2030
- Open Standards Principles
- Paris Agreement on Climate Change - #pacc
- Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
- Principles for engaging with plural legal orders
- Principles for Responsible Investment
- Principles of democracy
- Principles of Doing Development Differently - #pddd
- Principles of Innovation (Principles for Digital Development)
- Rio Principles
- Technology Facilitation Mechanism
- Technology Mechanism (UNFCCC)
- The 10 Fragile States Principles
- The Grand Bargain - A Shared Commitment to Better Serve People in Need - #tgb
- United Nations Model Double Taxation Convention
- United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework - #unsdcf
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights - #udhr
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