Guidance on content patterns and key concepts: Global Partnershipscopesocial architectureactor mapsstatute books — initiative books — resource booksthree realm mapsgovernment functionsindustry sectorsmunicipal circles


An initiative refers to a project, program or campaign that actors launch in order to improve or change a current situation, solve a problem, in some area of interest. For instance improve the performance of a government function, increase prosperity in a municipality, or increase productivity or reduce the environmental impact in a sector of industry.

A classic problem-solving cycle is the regulative cycle by Van Strien (1997). Assume moreover that in the social arena, there is an ongoing concern to solve multiple problems by multiple autonomous stakeholders.


The utility of the Actor Atlas and the alignment of monitoring and evaluation approaches in communicating, launching and advancing initiatives is explained in the chapter about initiative management ( In each of the basic process steps of the regulative cycle,
(Evaluation/Monitoring, Problem definition/identification resulting in the articulation of gaps between the desired and actual state), Analysis and diagnosis, Plan of action/Design for treating the problem, and Intervention/Implementation.

An initiative could be international, for instance the #2030Agenda for Sustainable Development - #SDGs, national, local or sectoral, or individual.

Local Initiatives

Local initiatives could be tagged with #tagcoding hashtags or be described in municipal or district level social capital wikis as illustrated by Nepal » Nārāyaṇī » Chitwan » Dhampuse.

We encourage everyone to share local initiatives with the #WWlgu tag of the locality. For all countries, some #WWlgu tags are defined and the way of constructing them is explained. There is also a #WWlgu tags for large and smart cities.

Sector Initiatives

A small selection of sector initiatives are included in the Sector Initiative Books. The focus is on online encyclopedia for languages that currently have little online "instructive content" (see Education initiatives (urgently needed)).

Country Initiative Books

The initiative book of each listed country is included in the current version of the Actor Atlas. Each (partial) initiative book:

  • defines #hashtags that could be used to share initiatives with a specific focus
  • lists links to initiatives in the country, and for some initiatives a wiki page is included, as listed.

If an initiative should be added to an initiative book, then give a comment in the country's initiative book. It will be included under the suitable COFOG division or ISIC section.

How hashtags matter to the communication about initiatives is explained in Awareness, capacity & care for #LocalizingSDGs.

International Initiative Books

A few international initiative books are included in the prototype atlas. Each (partial) international initiative book contains initiatives that matter to a group of countries, e.g. the member states of the United Nations (United Nations), or the member states of the European Union (European Union).

If an initiative should be added to an international initiative book, then give a comment at the suitable page, or use the suitable hashtag.

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