#TLlgu is the #WWlgu hashtag of Timor Leste - #TLlgu (in Timor-Leste).

Use #TLlgu to share news about Timor Leste - #TLlgu.

city (capital of district) #TLlgu Development data ( Knoema )
Aileu (Aileu) #TL01 Data atlas
Ainaro (Ainaro) #TL02 Data atlas
Baucau (Baucau) #TL03 Data atlas
Maliana (Bobonaro) #TL04 Data atlas
Suai (Covalima) #TL05 Data atlas
Dili (Dili) #TL06 Data atlas
Ermera (Ermera) #TL07 Data atlas
Los Palos (Lautém) #TL08 Data atlas
Liquiçá (Liquiçá) #TL09 Data atlas
Manatuto (Manatuto) #TL10 Data atlas
Same (Manufahi) #TL11 Data atlas
Pante Macassar (Oecussi (Ambeno)) #TL12 Data atlas
Viqueque (Viqueque) #TL13 Data atlas
#TLlgu tags combine the ISO country code TL with the numerical part of the ADM1 Code for the dzongkhag

Note: As there is no domestically defined geocode for each district, we use the numerical part of the ADM1 code1. Obtain that code from the ADM1 Code Search module by entering Timor-Leste's GEC country code: TL2.

#TLlgu = #tagcoding hashtag for sustainable development #SDGs #LeaveNoOneBehind in Timor Leste - #TLlgu (Timor-Leste) #UNGA #UNGA78