#TJlgu is the #WWlgu hashtag of Tajikistan - #TJlgu (in Tajikistan).

Use #TJlgu to share news about Tajikistan - #TJlgu.

вилоят city (capital of province) #TJlgu Development data ( Knoema )
Душанбе Dushanbe [Душанбе] (Dushanbe City) #TJ04 Data atlas
Хатлон urghonteppa [Қурғонтеппа] (Khatlon) #TJ02 Data atlas
Вилояти Мухтори Кўњистони Бадахшон Khorog [Хоруғ] (Gorno Badakhshan) #TJ01 Data atlas
Шањру ноњияњои тобеи љумњурї Dushanbe [Душанбе] (Regions Of Republican Subordination) #TJ04 Data atlas
Суѓд Khujand [Хуљанд] (Sughd ) #TJ03 Data atlas

Note: As there is no domestically defined geocode for each capital of province, we use the numerical part of the ADM1 code1. Obtain that code from the ADM1 Code Search module by entering Tajikistan's GEC country code: TJ2.

#TJlgu = #tagcoding hashtag for sustainable development #SDGs #LeaveNoOneBehind in Tajikistan - #TJlgu (Tajikistan) #UNGA #UNGA78