#GAlgu is the #WWlgu hashtag of Gabon - #GAlgu (in Gabon).

Use #GAlgu to share news about Gabon - #GAlgu.

city (capital of province) #GAlgu Development data ( Knoema )
Libreville (Estuaire) #GA01 Data atlas
Franceville (Haut-Ogooué) #GA02 Data atlas
Lambaréné (Moyen-Ogooué) #GA03 Data atlas
Mouila (Ngounié) #GA04 Data atlas
Tchibanga (Nyanga) #GA05 Data atlas
Makokou (Ogooué-Ivindo) #GA06 Data atlas
Koulamoutou (Ogooué-Lolo) #GA07 Data atlas
Port Gentil (Ogooué-Maritime) #GA08 Data atlas
Oyem (Woleu-N'tem) #GA09 Data atlas
national #tags this page
#GAlgu tags: combine the ISO country code GA with the numerical part of the ADM1 Code for the province

Note: As there is no domestically defined geocode for each province, we use the numerical part of the ADM1 code1. Obtain that code from the ADM1 Code Search module by entering Gabon's GEC country code: GB2.

#GAlgu = #tagcoding hashtag for sustainable development #SDGs #LeaveNoOneBehind in Gabon - #GAlgu (Gabon) #UNGA #UNGA78