#TDlgu is the #WWlgu hashtag of Chad - #TDlgu (in Chad).

Use #TDlgu to share news about Chad - #TDlgu.

région (capital of region) #TDlgu Development data ( Knoema )
N'Djaména (N'Djaména) #TD21 Data atlas
Moussoro (Barh El Gazel) #TD22 Data atlas
Ati (Batha) #TD01 Data atlas
Faya (Borkou) #TD23 Data atlas
Massénya (Chari Baguirmi) #TD15 Data atlas
Fada (Ennedi) #TD27 Data atlas
Mongo (Guéra) #TD05 Data atlas
Massakory (Hadjer Lamis) #TD18 Data atlas
Mao (Kanem) #TD06 Data atlas
Bol (Lac) #TD07 Data atlas
Moundou ( Logone Occidental) #TD08 Data atlas
Doba (Logone Oriental) #TD09 Data atlas
Koumra (Mandoul) #TD19 Data atlas
Bongor (Mayo Kébbi Est) #TD16 Data atlas
Pala (Mayo Kébbi Ouest) #TD20 Data atlas
Sarh (Moyen Chari) #TD17 Data atlas
Abéché (Ouaddaï) #TD12 Data atlas
Am Timan (Salamat) #TD13 Data atlas
Goz Beïda (Sila) #TD25 Data atlas
Laï (Tandjilé) #TD14 Data atlas
Bardaï (Tibesti) #TD26 Data atlas
Biltine (Wadi Fira) #TD02 Data atlas
national #tags this page
#TDlgu tags combine the ISO country code TD with the numerical part of the ADM1 Code for the région

Note: As there is no domestically defined geocode for each région, we use the numerical part of the ADM1 code1. Obtain that code from the ADM1 Code Search module by entering Chad's GEC country code: TD2.

#TDlgu = #tagcoding hashtag for sustainable development #SDGs #LeaveNoOneBehind in Chad - #TDlgu (Chad) #UNGA #UNGA78