#BZlgu is the #WWlgu hashtag of Belize - #BZlgu (in Belize).

Use #BZlgu to share news about Belize - #BZlgu.

City (capital of district) #BZlgu Development data ( Knoema )
Belmopan #BZ02
Belize City (Belize) #BZ01 Data atlas
San Ignacio / Santa Elena (Cayo) #BZ02 Data atlas
Corozal (Corozal) #BZ03 Data atlas
Orange Walk (Orange Walk) #BZ04 Data atlas
Dangriga (Stann Creek) #BZ05 Data atlas
Punta Gorda (Toledo) #BZ06 Data atlas
national #tags Belize
#BZlgu tags based on geocode defined by SIB (district subdivision)

Note: As there is no domestically defined geocode for each districts, we use the numerical part of the ADM1 code1. Obtain that code from the ADM1 Code Search module by entering Belize's GEC country code: BZ2.

#BZlgu = #tagcoding hashtag for sustainable development #SDGs #LeaveNoOneBehind in Belize - #BZlgu (Belize) #UNGA #UNGA78