Guidance on content patterns and key concepts: Global Partnershipscopesocial architecture — actor maps — statute booksinitiative booksresource booksthree realm mapsgovernment functions (COFOG: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10) — Sector maps (#isic)municipal circles

Government Function Maps & Best Practice Sharing

The division-level government functions are named and defined in accordance with the Divisions of the COFOG.

For each Division (01 to 10) and each Class, a Government Function Map (pattern) lists Resources, possible Regimes, Regime assessments, possible Objectives for initiatives, Options for implementing them, and typical Roles involved in the Division or Class.

In national development dashboards, Nepal Development Dashboard is an example, government function maps are proposed as an enabler for citizen understanding of, and participation in, the political and economic institutions of their country, in line with the Principles of Democratic Government. Each division or class government function map in the national development dashboard has a link to the corresponding map here. In the global maps below the focus is on sharing resources and best practices.

Further Developments

Further developments include (for example):

Division- and class-level Government Function Maps

Tab guide:

#COFOG01 General Public Services
#COFOG02 Defence
#COFOG03 Public Order and Safety
#COFOG04 Economic Affairs
#COFOG05 Environmental Protection
#COFOG06 Housing and Community Amenities
#COFOG07 Health
#COFOG08 Recreation, Culture and Religion
#COFOG09 Education
#COFOG10 Social Protection

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