- The function class
- #tagcoding for #cofog0133 - Other general services (CS)
- Evaluating and improving #cofog0133 - Other general services (CS)
- Resources
COFOG description of #cofog0133 - Other general services (CS) (function of government class) (Ens Dictionary).
#tagcoding hashtag: #cofog0133 |
#cofog0133 is the #tagcoding hashtag for #cofog0133 - Other general services (CS). Use it when tagcoding or searching content about this function of government.
For the function of government in a specific country, add the country's ISO code to #cofog0133, for instance #cofog0133DZ1 for a post or tweet about #cofog0133 - Other general services (CS) in Algeria.
For quite a number of functions of government, the recently agreed Sustainable Development Goals and Targets provide measurable targets.
To know what initiatives have been undertaken, or are being undertaken, the DAC 5 and CRS Purpose Codes (OECD DAC) can be used to consult the OECD DCD-DAC Development finance statistics or the IATI Datastore.
For each function of government a substantial number of online resources are available. Some of these resources are listed here. Additions can be suggested in comments, or posts using #cofog0133.
- Administration and operation of other general services such as centralized supply and purchasing services, maintenance and storage of government records and archives, operation of government owned or occupied buildings, central motor vehicle pools, government operated printing offices, centralized computer and data processing services, etc.
Resource links |
Country's Public Procurement System (Guidelines for carrying out Country Procurement Assessment) |
Open Contracting Data Standard (ongoing project) |
United Nations E-Government Survey 2012 and earlier UN E-Government Surveys (UN Public Administration Programme) |
Knowledge Base of Innovative E-Government Practices |
Spotlights from global e-government surveys (2012, 2010, 2008 and 2005 |
Digital Governance in Municipalities Worldwide (2007, 2005, and 2003) |
- Collaborative planning for #cofog0133 - Other general services (CS)
- Value orientations
- Gaps and diagnostics
- Guidelines
- Notes
A Collaborative Planning Methodology is (simple) repeatable process that can be used to improve the quality of a function of government.
Check the tabs for some possible questions and a format for documenting the collaborative planning for an improved function of government resulting from Awareness, capacity & care for #LocalizingSDGs.
For persons:
Objectives for persons
For organizations:
Objectives for organizations
In a territory:
What are feasible objectives & options for delivering this function of government? Taking into consideration dependencies on the country's resource endowments, what options exist to achieve which objectives for this function of government?
Objectives for the function
Fostering social reconciliation: Access to reliable and objective information is a vital element of democratic process and settings. Countries’ experience shows that the manipulation of information can be a trigger of rising misunderstanding and tensions that can lead to devastating conflicts. Therefore, the promotion of exchange and dissemination of information is an important element of re-construction efforts. It is therefore in the interest of governments to set up mechanisms allowing them to manage information and knowledge assets.
What goes wrong and why?
Gaps can be articulated with respect to a result framework or the Sustainable development goals (#SDGs). One must take into consideration the level of scope, and its level of development (in a peer group).
In the diagnostics we must also clarify cause-effect relationships in a diagnostic hypothesis.
Our focus here is on two services: the country's public procurement services, and the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in the communications between the public sector and the members of the constituency. The ICT tools available for communicating information include radio, television, mobile phones and the Internet. Open Government Partnership and e-government are two recent areas of focus in this function of government class.
- Regime 1:
- Regime 2: The free flow of information, as enshrined in Access to information laws of a country, empowers public institutions, societal groups and citizens to produce and share knowledge—between and within service delivery sectors—to bring a greater degree of cohesion, transparency and accountability. People are led to realistically assess the country’s situation and deploy their collective energy to meet the challenges.
What guidelines can be formulated for delivering this function of government?
The guidelines for actors at the various level of scope had better be informed by a Theory of Change that is aligned with a strong diagnostic hypothesis for the function of government.
- Public private partnerships which may involve cooperatives2 may offer suitable models for delivering certain functions of government! What are (open access) best practices? What are workable public-private boundaries in delivering this function?
- The level of scope in guidelines is reflected in the socio-technical level of roles. Each role must be defined in one of Pico roles, Micro roles, Meso roles or Macro roles. When a role is referenced here, its definition page should also contain a link to this page.
- Comments
- Other classes of #COFOG01 - General Public Services
- Other COFOG divisions
- #tagcoding steb-by-step
#COFOG01 - General Public Services
- #cofog0111 - Executive and legislative organs (CS)
- #cofog0112 - Financial and fiscal affairs (CS)
- #cofog0113 - External affairs (CS)
- #cofog0121 - Economic aid to developing countries and countries in transition (CS)
- #cofog0122 - Economic aid routed through international organizations (CS)
- #cofog0131 - General personnel services (CS)
- #cofog0132 - Overall planning and statistical services (CS)
- #cofog0133 - Other general services (CS)
- #cofog0140 - Basic research (CS)
- #cofog0150 - R&D General public services (CS)
- #cofog0160 - General public services n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog0170 - Public debt transactions (CS)
- #cofog0180 - Transfers of a general character between different levels of government (CS)
- #COFOG01 - General Public Services
- #COFOG02 - Defence
- #COFOG03 - Public Order and Safety
- #COFOG04 - Economic Affairs
- #COFOG05 - Environmental Protection
- #COFOG06 - Housing and Community Amenities
- #COFOG07 - Health
- #COFOG08 - Recreation, Culture and Religion
- #COFOG09 - Education
- #COFOG10 - Social Protection
Other functions of government via Tag cloud for functions of government (term cloud).
Sharing or searching
Do you have a question about #cofog0133 - Other general services (CS) in your country?
Do you have or know content to share about #cofog0133 - Other general services (CS) in a specific country?
Do you have an answer to a tagged question?
Then tweet or post the question, content or answer, with the hashtag constructed by adding the country's ISO code to #cofog0133, for instance #cofog0133DZ3 for a post or tweet about #cofog0133 - Other general services (CS) in Algeria.
Global Conversation
Look up #cofog0133 for recent online news and announcements on #cofog0133 - Other general services (CS).
No #cofog0133 content yet?
- Start the conversation by posting and sharing and re-sharing content, questions and answers about #cofog0133 - Other general services (CS), adding its hashtag #cofog0133 .
- Is content specific to a country? Then add the country's ISO code as listed per continent in the sidebar or menu.
- Empower your readers by explaining the use of the #tags.
Plenty of #cofog0133 content already?
- Consider curating it, and propose improvements for the initial sections of this page.
- Target guidelines at actors at different levels in the Social Architecture, or in function maps of country social capital wikis.
- Be aware of the Sustainable development goals (#SDGs) that matter for this function of government, and explain what each actor should do to achieve them.
Check the #tagcoding handbook for more details.