#isic79 - Travel agency, tour operator, reservation service and related activities
Includes the activity of selling travel, tour, transportation and accommodation services to the general public and commercial clients and the activity of arranging and assembling tours that are sold through travel agencies or directly by agents such as tour operators, as well as other travel-related services including reservation services. The activities of tourist guides and tourism promotion activities are also included.
- #isic791 - Travel agency and tour operator activities
- #isic799 - Other reservation service and related activities
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For the correspondence with CPC: #isic79 - Travel agency, tour operator, reservation service and related activities (Ens Dictionary).
To look up the ISIC class for a product or service, use Tag cloud for economic activities.
- Also in #ww88N - Administrative and support service activities
- In other languages
- Questions, answers and comments
Other classes, groups or divisions of #ww88N - Administrative and support service activities:
- #isic77 - Rental and leasing activities
- #isic78 - Employment activities
- #isic79 - Travel agency, tour operator, reservation service and related activities
- #isic80 - Security and investigation activities
- #isic81 - Services to buildings and landscape activities
- #isic82 - Office administrative, office support and other business support activities
Discover #tagcoding hashtags for the economic activities producing other products and services: