

UN INFO is an online planning, monitoring and reporting platform that digitizes each Cooperation Framework and its corresponding joint workplans. It reflects the UN development system’s effort to improve coherence, transparency and accountability, and to better address the needs and priorities of United Nations Member States. Initially conceived at the country level, UN INFO provides an overview of country level progress as well as regionally and globally aggregated information, both for the UN development system under the Cooperation Framework and individual entities. This includes how the UN development system in each country is channelling resources towards national priorities, thematic issues (including based on cross-cutting gender, human rights and humanitarian markers) and the SDGs. It encourages more regular monitoring of joint workplans so that all development activities are on track to deliver results. This enables senior leadership to make corrections to programming or shift resources in real-time. The public can also see a full picture of UN development system activities through public dashboards linked to UNCT websites.

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Visit #WWlgu codes for local news incl. progress on climate change (#SDG13) for local government unit (lgu) localization.

#fightingUntruthsOnline about #unsdcf090 - UN INFO is an online planning, monitoring and reporting platform that digitizes each Cooperation Framework

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#unsdcf090_M : Misinformation about #unsdcf090 - UN INFO is an online planning, monitoring and reporting platform that digitizes each Cooperation Framework
#unsdcf090_C : Conceptual deception about #unsdcf090 - UN INFO is an online planning, monitoring and reporting platform that digitizes each Cooperation Framework
#unsdcf090_D : Disinformation about #unsdcf090 - UN INFO is an online planning, monitoring and reporting platform that digitizes each Cooperation Framework
#unsdcf090_F : Fake news about #unsdcf090 - UN INFO is an online planning, monitoring and reporting platform that digitizes each Cooperation Framework
#unsdcf090_P : Propaganda about #unsdcf090 - UN INFO is an online planning, monitoring and reporting platform that digitizes each Cooperation Framework
#unsdcf090_S : Satire about #unsdcf090 - UN INFO is an online planning, monitoring and reporting platform that digitizes each Cooperation Framework