

The following filters are applied to define strategic priorities: (a) determine the most pressing and critical national development priorities and gaps, and related bottlenecks and entry points; (b) determine strategic catalytic solutions and strategies to address these; (c) match these solutions and strategies with the UN development system’s mandates, and global, regional and sectoral priorities in line with international and regional norms and standards, and the priorities of the System-Wide Strategic Document,331 (d) test prioritized solutions and strategies with regard to advancing and aligning with the Cooperation Framework Guiding Principles; (e) consider UN complementarity with other stakeholders through mapping, and an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; (f) assess the UN development system’s human and financial resources, knowledge, technology, networks and efficiencies, both current and potential; and (g) reflect on lessons learned and evidence from research and evaluations.

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The #tagcoding hashtag for #unsdcf054 - Filters are applied to define strategic priorities in your country

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Visit #WWlgu codes for local news incl. progress on climate change (#SDG13) for local government unit (lgu) localization.

#fightingUntruthsOnline about #unsdcf054 - Filters are applied to define strategic priorities

Add the untruth-postfixes to the hashtag:

#unsdcf054_M : Misinformation about #unsdcf054 - Filters are applied to define strategic priorities
#unsdcf054_C : Conceptual deception about #unsdcf054 - Filters are applied to define strategic priorities
#unsdcf054_D : Disinformation about #unsdcf054 - Filters are applied to define strategic priorities
#unsdcf054_F : Fake news about #unsdcf054 - Filters are applied to define strategic priorities
#unsdcf054_P : Propaganda about #unsdcf054 - Filters are applied to define strategic priorities
#unsdcf054_S : Satire about #unsdcf054 - Filters are applied to define strategic priorities