

The Cooperation Framework period is flexible to allow for alignment to national cycles and ensure a responsive framework in changing country contexts. The recommended time frame is three to five years. Due consideration should be given to the complexity of the country context and the imperative to keep the UN response relevant to evolving development priorities within the national development plan period. Acceptable transaction costs for UN development entities and partners in the Cooperation Framework formulation process are another factor.

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#fightingUntruthsOnline about #unsdcf015 - The CF period is flexible to allow for alignment to national cycles and ensure a responsive framework

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#unsdcf015_M : Misinformation about #unsdcf015 - The CF period is flexible to allow for alignment to national cycles and ensure a responsive framework
#unsdcf015_C : Conceptual deception about #unsdcf015 - The CF period is flexible to allow for alignment to national cycles and ensure a responsive framework
#unsdcf015_D : Disinformation about #unsdcf015 - The CF period is flexible to allow for alignment to national cycles and ensure a responsive framework
#unsdcf015_F : Fake news about #unsdcf015 - The CF period is flexible to allow for alignment to national cycles and ensure a responsive framework
#unsdcf015_P : Propaganda about #unsdcf015 - The CF period is flexible to allow for alignment to national cycles and ensure a responsive framework
#unsdcf015_S : Satire about #unsdcf015 - The CF period is flexible to allow for alignment to national cycles and ensure a responsive framework