The Cooperation Framework is a vehicle for supporting economic transformation. With countries emphasizing economic growth as especially important to their development, the Cooperation Framework provides specific guidance on reframing economic policies and practices around sustainability for inclusive, diversified and job-intensive economic transformation that leaves no one behind, protects the planet and strengthens the ecological foundations of economies. Economic performance, especially in developing countries, is subject to global shocks and fluctuations that often slow, and sometimes derail, the achievement of key development priorities. The Cooperation Framework therefore supports the country in strengthening the resilience of the economy through appropriate macroeconomic policies, and individual resilience through social protection and redistributive policies that reduce vulnerability and preserve gains against poverty and inequality. The UN development system’s support focuses on fostering patterns of growth that improve the distribution of incomes, increase economic diversification, and take full advantage of appropriate technologies and innovations. This
includes valuing properly and fully the many non-monetized activities in the modern economy, such as unpaid care work, informal labour and the provision of essential services. It requires a departure from past practices in production and consumption, and the embrace of new technologies and patterns of behaviour that sustain low-carbon and resource- and energy-efficient growth.
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