Food Crops
Crop | Genus | Observations |
Breadfruit | Artocarpus | Breadfruit only. |
Asparagus | Asparagus | |
Oat | Avena | |
Beet | Beta | |
Brassica complex | n Brassica et al. | Genera included are: Brassica, Armoracia, Barbarea, Camelina, Crambe, Diplotaxis, Eruca, Isatis, Lepidium, Raphanobrassica, Raphanus, Rorippa, and Sinapis. This comprises oilseed and vegetable crops such as cabbage, rapeseed, mustard, cress, rocket, radish, and turnip. The species Lepidium meyenii (maca) is excluded. |
Pigeon Pea | Cajanus | |
Chickpea | Cicer | |
Citrus | Citrus | Genera Poncirus and Fortunella are included as root stock. |
Coconut | Cocos | |
Major aroids | Colocasia, Xanthosoma | Major aroids include taro, cocoyam, dasheen and tannia. |
Carrot | Daucus | |
Yams | Dioscorea | |
Finger Millet | Eleusine | |
Strawberry | Fragaria | |
Sunflower | Helianthus | |
Barley | Hordeum | |
Sweet Potato | Ipomoea | |
Grass pea | Lathyrus | |
Lentil | Lens | |
Apple | Malus | |
Cassava | Manihot | Manihot esculenta only. |
Banana / Plantain | Musa | Except Musa textilis. |
Rice | Oryza | |
Pearl Millet | Pennisetum | |
Beans | Phaseolus | Except Phaseolus polyanthus. |
Pea | Pisum | |
Rye | Secale | |
Potato | Solanum | Section tuberosa included, except Solanum phureja. |
Eggplant | Solanum | Section melongena included. |
Sorghum | Sorghum | |
Triticale | Triticosecale | |
Wheat | Triticum et al. | Including Agropyron, Elymus, and Secale. |
Faba Bean / Vetch | Vicia | |
Cowpea et al. | Vigna | |
Maize | Zea | Excluding Zea perennis, Zea diploperennis, and Zea luxurians. |
Genera | Species |
Astragalus | chinensis, cicer, arenarius |
Canavalia | ensiformis |
Coronilla | varia |
Hedysarum | coronarium |
Lathyrus | cicera, ciliolatus, hirsutus, ochrus, odoratus, sativus |
Lespedeza | cuneata, striata, stipulacea |
Lotus | corniculatus, subbiflorus, uliginosus |
Lupinus | albus, angustifolius, luteus |
Medicago | arborea, falcata, sativa, scutellata, rigidula, truncatula |
Melilotus | albus, officinalis |
Onobrychis | viciifolia |
Ornithopus | sativus |
Prosopis | affinis, alba, chilensis, nigra, pallida |
Pueraria | phaseoloides |
Trifolium | alexandrinum, alpestre, ambiguum, angustifolium, arvense, agrocicerum, hybridum, incarnatum, pratense, repens, resupinatum, rueppellianum, semipilosum, subterraneum, vesiculosum |
Andropogon | gayanus |
Agropyron | cristatum, desertorum |
Agrostis | stolonifera, tenuis |
Alopecurus | pratensis |
Arrhenatherum | elatius |
Dactylis | glomerata |
Festuca | arundinacea, gigantea, heterophylla, ovina, pratensis, rubra |
Lolium | hybridum, multiflorum, perenne, rigidum, temulentum |
Phalaris | aquatica, arundinacea |
Phleum | pratense |
Poa | alpina, annua, pratensis |
Tripsacum | laxum |
Atriplex | halimus, nummularia |
Salsola | vermiculata |
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