

20.1 The Secretary of the Governing Body shall be appointed by the Director-General of FAO, with the approval of the Governing Body. The Secretary shall be assisted by such staff as may be required.

20.2 The Secretary shall perform the following functions:

(a) arrange for and provide administrative support for sessions of the Governing Body and for any subsidiary bodies as may be established;

(b) assist the Governing Body in carrying out its functions, including the performance of specific tasks that the Governing Body may decide to assign to it;

(c) report on its activities to the Governing Body.

20.3 The Secretary shall communicate to all Contracting Parties and to the Director-General:

(a) decisions of the Governing Body within sixty days of adoption;

(b) information received from Contracting Parties in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty.

20.4 The Secretary shall provide documentation in the six languages of the United Nations for sessions of the Governing Body.

20.5 The Secretary shall cooperate with other organizations and treaty bodies, including in particular the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, in achieving the objectives of this Treaty.

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