CSOs are effective as development actors when they … support the empowerment and inclusive participation of people to expand their democratic ownership over policies and development initiatives that affect their lives, with an emphasis on the poor and marginalized.
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Related principles that have been articulated in the context of development and governance are listed at Ownership of development priorities by the target constituency (Common Principles).
Jan Goossenaerts
In the consultation paper of the Civil Society Organisations in development cooperation (page 9): Democratic ownership implies that governments systematically promote spaces for constructive participation of a variety of stakeholders (including Civil Society in its varied forms) in the different development policy phases. In Busan, Governments, international Institutions including the EU and Civil Society committed to 'operationalizing' this principle. Policy dialogues can be considered a key mechanism for translating "democratic ownership" into practice.
It is noted also that CSOs' participation in public policy making and budget oversight constitutes a political and complex issue which not surprisingly has had mixed results across regions.1 The roles of CSOs in these processes are not politically neutral and may entail risks. Dependency of funding for CSO oversight and policy activities on funding from external sources may lead to additional risks and tensions.
These six (related) questions are in the consultation paper:
Question 5: What are, in your experience, the challenges and opportunities for CSO involvement in policy dialogues including in terms of institutional mechanisms and operational rules? Can you provide there good examples?
Question 6: How can progress related to CSO participation in policy dialogues at country level be measured and monitored?
Question 7: What are the most effective entry points for CSOs in "participatory budgetary processes"?
Question 8: Responding to the Communication on Budget support2, how could the EU promote CSOs role in "domestic accountability and in oversight functions"? What, in your experience, are the related risks and how should these be managed?
Question 9: In your opinion, what criteria should be used to ensure that representative and legitimate CSOs take part in policy dialogue and in budgetary oversight work?
Question 10: In your opinion, what should be the role of European or international CSOs in supporting local CSO participation in policy processes and oversight functions including at country level?
Jan Goossenaerts
The report Fostering Democratic Ownership - Towards Greater Impact on Poverty was commissioned by Alliance2015 (April 2008) as a contribution to preparatory discussions in advance of the third High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness that was held in Accra in September 2008.
Besides explaining what democratic ownership means, a thematic analysis of a number of country studies, the report includes recommendations for:
Jan Goossenaerts