97. We acknowledge the importance of the regional dimension of sustainable development. Regional frameworks can complement and facilitate effective translation of sustainable development policies into concrete action at national level.
98. We encourage regional, national, sub-national and local authorities as appropriate to develop and utilize sustainable development strategies as key instruments for guiding decision-making and implementation of sustainable development at all levels, and in this regard we recognize that integrated social, economic, and environmental data and information, as well as effective analysis and assessment of implementation, is important to decision-making processes.
99. We encourage action at regional, national, sub-national, and local levels to promote access to information, public participation, and access to justice in environmental matters, as appropriate.
100. We emphasize that regional and sub-regional organizations, including the UN regional commissions and their sub-regional offices, have a significant role to play in promoting a balanced integration of the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development in their respective regions. We underscore the need to support these institutions, including through the UN system, in the effective operationalization and implementation of sustainable development, and to facilitate institutional coherence and harmonization of relevant development policies, plans and programmes. In this regard, we urge these institutions to prioritize sustainable development through, inter alia, more efficient and effective capacity building, development and implementation of regional agreements and arrangements as appropriate, and exchange of information, best practices, and lessons learnt. We also welcome regional and cross-regional initiatives for sustainable development. We furthermore recognize the need to ensure effective linkage among global, regional, sub-regional and national processes to advance sustainable development. We encourage the enhancement of the UN regional commissions and their sub-regional offices in their respective capacities to support Member States in implementing sustainable development.
101. We underline the need for more coherent and integrated planning and decision-making at the national, sub-national and local levels as appropriate and, to this end, we call on countries to strengthen national, sub-national and/or local institutions or relevant multi-stakeholder bodies and processes, as appropriate, dealing with sustainable development, including to coordinate on matters of sustainable development and to enable effective integration of the three dimensions of sustainable development.
102. We welcome regional and cross-regional initiatives for sustainable development, such as the Green Bridge Partnership which is voluntary and open for participation of all partners.
103. We underscore the need to ensure long-term political commitment to sustainable development taking into account national circumstances and priorities and, in this regard, we encourage all countries to undertake the necessary actions and measures to achieve sustainable development.
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#097-103. IV. E._D : Disinformation about 097-103. IV. E. Regional, national, sub-national, local
#097-103. IV. E._F : Fake news about 097-103. IV. E. Regional, national, sub-national, local
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#097-103. IV. E._S : Satire about 097-103. IV. E. Regional, national, sub-national, local
The aim of the Local Sustainability 2012 study is to document the variety of local processes for sustainability that have emerged globally since the 1992 Earth Summit. Local initiatives, many of them inspired by Local Agenda 21, have made a lasting mark not only on local but also on national and international governance systems, changing profoundly the way we think about sustainable development and pushing the boundaries of what is achievable.
Further details and the full report at http://local2012.iclei.org/local-sustainability-study/ (ICLEI, Local Governments for Sustainability).
Jan Goossenaerts