

183. While we acknowledge that some progress has been made towards the fulfillment of international commitments related to Africa's development needs, we emphasize that significant challenges remain in achieving sustainable development on the continent.

184. We call on the international community to enhance support and fulfill commitments to advance action in areas critical to Africa's sustainable development and welcome the efforts by development partners to strengthen cooperation with the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD). We also welcome the progress made by African countries in deepening democracy, human rights, good governance and sound economic management, and encourage African countries to continue their efforts in this regard. We invite all of Africa's development partners, in particular developed countries, to support African countries in strengthening human capacities and democratic institutions, consistent with their priorities and objectives with a view to furthering Africa's development at all levels, including through facilitating the transfer of technology needed by African countries as mutually agreed. We recognize the need for African countries to make continued efforts to create enabling environments for inclusive growth in support of sustainable development and for the international community to make continued efforts to increase the flow of new and additional resources for financing for development from all sources, public and private, domestic and foreign, to support these development efforts by African countries and welcome the various important initiatives established between African countries and their development partners in this regard.

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