

Disaster risk reduction activities (e.g. developing knowledge, natural risks cartography, legal norms for construction); early warning systems; emergency contingency stocks and contingency planning including preparations for forced displacement.

See codes #crs41050 - Flood prevention/control and #crs15220 - Civilian peace-building, conflict prevention and resolution for prevention of floods and conflicts.

#tags and topics

#SDT131 - strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate related hazards and natural disasters in all countries
#SDT11b - increase substantially the number of cities & human settlements adopting & implementing integrated policies & plans...
#aaaa34 - Capacities of municipalities and other local authorities
#tgb02 - More support and funding tools for local and national responders
#aaaa62 - Consideration of climate and disaster resilience in development financing
#aaaa68 - National capacity to respond to various kinds of shocks
#aaaa70 - Role of multilateral and other international development banks
#aaaa102 - Disasters and shocks can undermine a country’s debt sustainability
#aaaa103 - Improve and enhance global economic governance; international architecture for sustainable development
#aaaa34 - Capacities of municipalities and other local authorities
#rio18 - States notify other States of natural disasters or emergencies
UN-International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
186-189. - Disaster risk reduction
134-137. - Sustainable cities and human settlements

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