

An emergency is a situation which results from man made crises and/or natural disasters.

5 digit Purpose Codes in this category

#crs72010 - Material relief assistance and services Shelter, water, sanitation and health services, supply of medicines and other non-food relief items; assistance to refugees and internally displaced people in developing countries other than for food (#crs72040 - Emergency food aid) or protection (#crs72050 - Relief co-ordination; protection and support services)
#crs72040 - Emergency food aid Food aid normally for general free distribution or special supplementary feeding programmes; short-term relief to targeted population groups affected by emergency situations. Excludes non-emergency food security assistance programmes/food aid (#crs52010 - Food aid/Food security programmes)
#crs72050 - Relief co-ordination; protection and support services Measures to co-ordinate delivery of humanitarian aid, including logistics and communications systems; measures to promote and protect the safety, well-being, dignity and integrity of civilians and those no longer taking part in hostilities. (Activities designed to protect the security of persons or property through the use or display of force are not reportable as ODA.)

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