

Financial intermediaries for the agricultural sector including credit schemes; crop insurance

#tags and topics

#cofog0421 - Agriculture (CS)
#cofog0482 - R&D Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (CS)
#cofog0112 - Financial and fiscal affairs (CS)
#ww88A - Agriculture, forestry and fishing
#ww88K - Financial and insurance activities
#isic6611 - Administration of financial markets
#isic6492 - Other credit granting
#isic8291 - Activities of collection agencies and credit bureaus
#SDT023 - by 2030 double the agricultural productivity and the incomes of small-scale food producers, particularly women,..
#pgrfa18 - Financial Resources
#aaaa39 - Full and equal access to formal financial services for all
#aaaa44 - Developing domestic capital markets in developing countries; crop insurance
#aaaa104 - Financial reform agenda
108-118. - Food security and nutrition and sustainable agriculture
05.3 Funding windows and fund structure
National Agriculture Policy
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture - #pgrfa
40-51. Addressing Food Price Volatility and Increasing Agriculture Production and Productivity

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