

Central banks

#tags and topics

#cofog0112 - Financial and fiscal affairs (CS)
#isic6411 - Central banking
#isic6419 - Other monetary intermediation
#aaaa24 - Combating illicit financial flows, money laundering and terrorism financing
#aaaa105 - International coordination and policy coherence for financial stability
#aaaa70 - Role of multilateral and other international development banks
#aaaa75 - Development banks; safeguards; new financing mechanisms
#aaaa33 - Role of national and regional development banks
#aaaa39 - Full and equal access to formal financial services for all
#aaaa87 - Regional economic integration and interconnectivity
#aaaa130 - Broadbased participation in mechanisms for follow-up and review
#aaaa44 - Developing domestic capital markets in developing countries; crop insurance
#SDT0810 - strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and to expand access to banking, insurance..
#ww88K - Financial and insurance activities
10-11. Increasing the benefits from financial integration and ...
14-16. Strengthening our capacity to cope with crises
23-27. Meeting our commitments notably on banks, OTC derivatives, compensation practices and credit rating agencies, and ...
European Central Bank

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