Water sector policy and governance, including legislation, regulation, planning and management as well as transboundary management of water; institutional capacity development; activities supporting the Integrated Water Resource Management approach (IWRM: see box below)
Water sector policy, planning and programmes; water legislation and management; institution capacity building and advice; water supply assessments and studies; groundwater, water quality and watershed studies; hydrogeology; excluding agricultural water resources (#crs31140 - Agricultural water resources).
#tags and topics
#COFOG01 - General Public Services
#cofog0111 - Executive and legislative organs (CS)
#cofog0452 - Water transport (CS)
#cofog0520 - Waste water management (CS)
#cofog0530 - Pollution abatement (CS)
#cofog0550 - R&D Environmental protection (CS)
#cofog0560 - Environmental protection n.e.c. (CS)
#SDG6 - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
#SDT063 - by 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous ...
#SDT064 - by 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors & ensure sustainable withdrawals & supply of..
#SDT065 - by 2030 implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including through transboundary cooperation ...
#ww88E - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
#isic3600 - Water collection, treatment and supply
#rio11 - Environmental legislation and standards
#aaaa12 - Delivering social protection and essential public services for all
#aaaa34 - Capacities of municipalities and other local authorities
#nua119 - promote investments in protective, accessible and sustainable infrastructure and service provision
#nua120 - Public water and sanitation utilities
119-124. - Water and sanitation
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- also under #dac140 - Water and sanitation
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