

Population/development policies; census work, vital registration; migration data; demographic research/analysis; reproductive health research; unspecified population activities

#tags and topics

#COFOG07 - Health
#cofog0131 - General personnel services (CS)
#cofog0132 - Overall planning and statistical services (CS)
#cofog0140 - Basic research (CS)
#cofog0740 - Public health services (IS)
#cofog0750 - R&D Health (CS)
#cofog0760 - Health n.e.c. (CS)
#SDG3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
#SDT037 - by 2030 ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services, including for family planning, ...
#SDT056 - ensure universal access to sexual & reproductive health & reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with ...
#SDT107 - facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through implementation..
#SDT1718 - capacity building support to increase significantly the availability of high-quality, timely and reliable data
#ww88Q - Human health and social work activities
#isic6311 - Data processing, hosting and related activities
#isic8690 - Other human health activities
#aaaa77 - Better alignment between multi-stakeholder partnerships in health
#aaaa125 - National statistical systems supplemented with others' data and analysis
#aaaa126 - Disaggregation of data, indicators, adequacy of international statistics
#aaaa127 - Transparency, open data, linking needs and support
#aaaa128 - Access to tools, data standards, data literacy, accessibility and use
#a4i3 - III. Data, monitoring and follow-up
#pi6 - Use open standards, open data, open source and open innovation
#rio08 - Reduce & eliminate unsustainable patterns of production & consumption
134-137. - Sustainable cities and human settlements
138-146. - Health and population
Making Open Data Real consultation