

Principle: Ownership of development priorities by the target constituency.

Clarification: Partnerships for development are much more likely to succeed if they are led by the target constituency, reflecting their collective value orientations, and implementing approaches that are tailored to country-­specific situations and needs.

Occurrence Notes
Ownership of development priorities by developing countries (Busan Partnership) Target consituency > developing country
Ownership (Paris Declaration) Developing countries set their own strategies
Citizen Participation (Principles of Democracy) Participation is a pre-condition for achieving ownership
Ensure that the work is country-driven (GAC key principles) Ownership irrespective of the country's governance
Adapt implementation to individual country circumstances (GAC key principles) approaches that are tailored to country-­specific situations and needs
Focus on people’s empowerment, democratic ownership and participation (Istanbul Principles) Ownership in a good functioning democratic society

Examples and Counter-examples:

  • In the consultation paper of the Civil Society Organisations in development cooperation (page 9): Democratic ownership implies that governments systematically promote spaces for constructive participation of a variety of stakeholders (including Civil Society in its varied forms) in the different development policy phases.
  • Policy dialogues can be considered a key mechanism for translating "democratic ownership" into practice.
  • Busan Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (2011) (Article 21) states that Parliaments and local governments play critical roles in linking citizens with government, and in ensuring broad-based and democratic ownership of countries' development agendas.

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