Principle: Ownership of development priorities by the target constituency.
Clarification: Partnerships for development are much more likely to succeed if they are led by the target constituency, reflecting their collective value orientations, and implementing approaches that are tailored to country-specific situations and needs.
Occurrence | Notes |
Ownership of development priorities by developing countries (Busan Partnership) | Target consituency > developing country |
Ownership (Paris Declaration) | Developing countries set their own strategies |
Citizen Participation (Principles of Democracy) | Participation is a pre-condition for achieving ownership |
Ensure that the work is country-driven (GAC key principles) | Ownership irrespective of the country's governance |
Adapt implementation to individual country circumstances (GAC key principles) | approaches that are tailored to country-specific situations and needs |
Focus on people’s empowerment, democratic ownership and participation (Istanbul Principles) | Ownership in a good functioning democratic society |
Examples and Counter-examples:
- In the consultation paper of the Civil Society Organisations in development cooperation (page 9): Democratic ownership implies that governments systematically promote spaces for constructive participation of a variety of stakeholders (including Civil Society in its varied forms) in the different development policy phases.
- Policy dialogues can be considered a key mechanism for translating "democratic ownership" into practice.
- Busan Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (2011) (Article 21) states that Parliaments and local governments play critical roles in linking citizens with government, and in ensuring broad-based and democratic ownership of countries' development agendas.
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See #a4i2a - II.A. Domestic public resources : #aaaa20 - Principle of national ownership and capacity.
Jan Goossenaerts
Javier Pereira (Alliance2015): Democratic Ownership beyond Busan: Building Inclusive Partnerships for Development (2011). The report is based on five country briefs analysing progress towards democratic ownership in Cambodia, Ghana, Mozambique, Nicaragua and Tanzania. The objective of the briefs is to assess the implementation of the Accra Agenda for Action and the contribution this has made to increasing civil society engagement in and ownership of development processes.
Jan Goossenaerts