We look forward to the recommendations of the Secretary-General’s Highlevel Panel on the Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries on the feasibility and organizational and operational functions of a proposed technology bank and science, technology and innovation capacity-building mechanism for least developed countries. We will take into account the High-level Panel’s recommendations on the scope, functions, institutional linkages and organizational aspects of the proposed bank, with a view to operationalizing it by 2017, and will seek to promote synergies with the Technology Facilitation Mechanism.
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In partial fulfillment of #SDT178 - fully operationalize the Technology Bank & STI (Science,Technology&Innovation) capacity building mechanism for LDCs..., a resolution establishing the UN Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries was passed by the UN General Assembly on 23 December, 2016.
Further details via UN Establishes Technology Bank For Least-Developed Countries, Including An IP Bank (IP Watch, January 6, 2017) and at Technology Bank.
Jan Goossenaerts