Capacity development will be integral to achieving the post 2015 development agenda. We call for enhanced international support and establishment of multi stakeholder partnerships for implementing effective and targeted capacity-building in developing countries, including least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States, African countries and countries in conflict and post-conflict situations, to support national plans to implement all the sustainable development goals. Capacity development must be country-driven, address the specific needs and conditions of countries and reflect national sustainable development strategies and priorities. We reiterate the importance of strengthening institutional capacity and human resource development. It is also critical to reinforce national efforts in capacity-building in developing countries in such areas as public finance and administration, social and gender responsive budgeting, mortgage finance, financial regulation and supervision, agriculture productivity, fisheries, debt management, climate services, including planning and management for both adaptation and mitigation purposes, and water and sanitation-related activities and programmes.
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In my opinion, achieving #SDT09c - significantly increase access to ICT and strive to provide universal & affordable access to internet in LDCs will be an essential enabler for the kind of capacity development described in this article.
Jan Goossenaerts