The goal of protecting and encouraging investment should not affect our ability to pursue public policy objectives. We will endeavour to craft trade and investment agreements with appropriate safeguards so as not to constrain domestic policies and regulation in the public interest. We will implement such agreements in a transparent manner. We commit to supporting capacity-building including through bilateral and multilateral channels, in particular to least developed countries, in order to benefit from opportunities in international trade and investment agreements. We request UNCTAD to continue its existing programme of meetings and consultations with Member States on investment agreements.
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Critics argue that Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) is a provision in international and multi-lateral trade agreements that allows big companies to sue governments when they have made democratic choices with negative consequences for companies.
Does this article go far enough in addressing the risks that ISDS pose for developing country governments and their constituencies?
The current status regarding ISDS is summarized in this article: EU and OPEC contribute to increase transparency in ISDS (by Alliance for Responsible Commerce).
Jan Goossenaerts