

We recognize that greater transparency is essential and can be provided by publishing timely, comprehensive and forward-looking information on development activities in a common, open, electronic format, as appropriate. Access to reliable data and statistics helps Governments to make informed decisions, and enables all stakeholders to track progress and understand trade-offs, and creates mutual accountability. We will learn from existing transparency initiatives and open data standards, and take note of the International Aid Transparency Initiative. We further recognize the importance of national ownership of the post 2015 development agenda, and stress the importance of preparing country needs assessments for the different priority areas to allow for greater transparency and efficiency by linking needs and support, in particular in developing countries.

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Visit #WWlgu codes for local news incl. progress on climate change (#SDG13) for local government unit (lgu) localization.

#fightingUntruthsOnline about #aaaa127 - Transparency, open data, linking needs and support

Add the untruth-postfixes to the hashtag:

#aaaa127_M : Misinformation about #aaaa127 - Transparency, open data, linking needs and support
#aaaa127_C : Conceptual deception about #aaaa127 - Transparency, open data, linking needs and support
#aaaa127_D : Disinformation about #aaaa127 - Transparency, open data, linking needs and support
#aaaa127_F : Fake news about #aaaa127 - Transparency, open data, linking needs and support
#aaaa127_P : Propaganda about #aaaa127 - Transparency, open data, linking needs and support
#aaaa127_S : Satire about #aaaa127 - Transparency, open data, linking needs and support